Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Obamunism is Racist

CBS recently reported a poll of African Americans in which 96% said they supported Obama, 4% were undecided and zero percent said they do not support him.
Either none of the black people polled did not support Obama, or were afraid to say so.
Either way, this can only be interpreted as judging based of race. NO politician has that sort of support based on their policies.

Voting for or supporting someone because they have dark skin is just as racially bigoted as doing so because they have light skin.
It is just as much putting one's own self interests above other matters.
It is selfish bias, no matter how justified those who rationalize it to themselves as being something more.

Thinking that it somehow balances the playing field by judging someone based on skin color when it's to your advantage or makes you feel good is NOT moving closer to looking beyond skin color.

Judging people by skin color is racism. Racism is racism, no matter who practices it.

To pretend otherwise is nothing but self-delusion.

But then that is the very definition of "Progressive": Perception trumps reality.

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Isn't it interesting that when the those who have a near-monopoly on the media, school system and government today began by trumpeting freedom-of-speech and dissent and that big government was bad.
Now that they're in charge other points of view are not to be "tolerated", and we should embrace government being in charge of everything: personal, business, medical--EVERYTHING.

Feel free to say what you want about my views. I'm not going to come after you, and if your views are contrary to mine then you're on Big Brother's side --so you don't have to worry about the government coming after you.