Tuesday, May 12, 2009

One of the favorite attacks of the many expressions of hostility that liberals use is to call others "Nazis".

Ironic, since those who like to label themselves with feel-good descriptions like "tolerant" and "big tent" in actual fact have a Taliban-like hatred and intolerance for those who dare challenge their views.

Since our dear "progressives", to use their favorite title-du-jour for their whatever-works-for-me-for-today values are far closer to Nazis on every level in behavior, yet are blind to this reality, a good descriptive title for those who demand total compliance or risk having their tools in the media turn their wrath on destroying and/or marginalizing you but are willfully blind to their self-righteous hatred and intollerance is Not-Sees.

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Isn't it interesting that when the those who have a near-monopoly on the media, school system and government today began by trumpeting freedom-of-speech and dissent and that big government was bad.
Now that they're in charge other points of view are not to be "tolerated", and we should embrace government being in charge of everything: personal, business, medical--EVERYTHING.

Feel free to say what you want about my views. I'm not going to come after you, and if your views are contrary to mine then you're on Big Brother's side --so you don't have to worry about the government coming after you.